Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Journey Begins

Connie and Elliott
We arrived in Utah last week to visit our son, Ross, and his family.  Fortunately, we are here during Little League baseball season.  We have watched both Elliott and Wyatt play and will see one more game next week.  Ross and Annie have been taking good care of us with planned activities and great home cooking.  Its been lots of fun spending time with them and playing with their boys.  Its amazing how fast they grow up.  We can see significant changes in them since we saw them last in February at Elliott's baptism.


Elliott and Quinn

We attended Church at our old ward in South Jordan Sunday morning.  It was a thrill to see so many good friends and to be able to say goodbye before we leave for South Africa.  

Pres Bronson, Connie, Wyatt, Quinn & Elliott
Awaiting our Setting Apart

We were "set apart" by our Utah Stake President, Blaine Maxfield, on Tuesday evening.  We received wonderful blessings, heard touching testimonies and were given great guidance.

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