Thursday, July 30, 2015

South African School Kids

We love the children here in Africa.  We recently were able to visit three different schools in the same area.  They all fell within one Clan Chief's domain.  We were quite a curiosity to them.  They were very well disciplined and at each school they came outside of their classrooms and sang to us.  We (several of us missionaries) then sang "I Am A Child Of God" to them.  We enjoyed listening to them and they enjoyed listening to us.
This is the nicest of the three schools that we visited

Sister Howden loves the children.  A veritable Pied Piper
Lockers ??

I love the idea of uniforms for school children.  I remember being in Pharmacy School and having a policy that we had to wear a tie to class.  The premise was that you act the way you look.  If you look professional, then chances are that you will act professionally.  I believe that holds true for students of all ages.

Here's a video of some of the kids singing to us